Monday 24 August 2009

Time, and Lack Thereof

Oh my! Well, there have been lots of changes buzzing around me since I last posted - many aeons ago - and I would first and foremost like to apologise for my lack of presence. It has been pretty busy to say the least.

Since we last spoke, I have changed my career path a little. While still a writer - of course, that's not really a 'career' as much as a 'calling' - I am no longer working as an editor but now with a talent agency. A wonderful job, it has to be said, with all sorts of glitterati conversations to be had. But I have been told off for name-dropping, so I will try my hardest not to...

Anyway, I thought I would check in briefly today to say that I am back at it here: I intend to keep on top of updating and keeping in touch with my usual London-inspired musings.

Keep your eyes peeled :)

- Ann Observer